Reserve a Vendor Space

Reserve a Vendor Space for the upcoming LSSC event and pay by Credit/Debit Card.  If paying by check/money order, please fill out the downloadable form and deliver via USPS, FedEx, etc.

Reserve a Grooming Space

Reserve a Grooming Space for the upcoming LSSC event and pay by Credit/Debit Card.  If paying by check/money order, please fill out the downloadable form and deliver via USPS, FedEx, etc. Please note that there are Free Grooming Spaces available in building and that a Reserved Grooming Space is not required.  The Free (or Non-Reserved) Grooming Areas are first-come/first-served and have restrictions of use (No-ExPens, shared electrical, limitations to space used, etc) detailed in the LSSC Attention Exhibitors section of the Premium List.  There is also a “Day Crating” area within the building that must be cleared of all items at the end of each day.

Reserve a RV Space

Reserve a RV Space near the building for the upcoming LSSC event and pay by Credit/Debit Card.  If paying by check/money order, please fill out the downloadable form and deliver via USPS, FedEx, etc.  Please note that there are Free RV Spaces available in adjacent parking lots that are further away from the building and that a Reserved RV Space is not required.