Maps & Listings

All Drive-in will occur on Wednesday only!
Please note below what time
your space is available to drive-in.
Vendors may drive into the Main Hall from 3-5pm
Reserved Grooming that have a 20x30 or 20x40 space in NORTH HALL that receive an LSSC Invitation may drive into the building from 4-6pm
Other Reserved Grooming  that have a 10x10, 20x10, or 20x20  space & All Non-Reserved Grooming in North Hall & All Main Hall and All Freeway Hall Reserved Grooming drive-in from 6:30-8:30pm.
Cars must be out of the building by 9pm
Drag-in will be from 6:30-10:30pm.
Building will close at 11pm.
This staged move-in process is being done in the attempt to create a better traffic flow through the building for everyone.  Please be ready to move-in at these times if at all possible.
Specialty Day
Reserved & Non-Reserved Grooming Drag-in may drag into the building from 6:00am-11:00pm.
Specialties will not start before, but may start later, than 8:00am on Thursday.